Manuscript Data AM 240 IV fol.

Comments #marginalia #prayer #avemaria
Introduction The manuscript contains only one Latin instance in form of an Ave Maria, added considerably later to the manuscript – possibly even as late as early modern times. The text is written upside down with some mistakes and irregular spelling, which suggests that the scribe did not really know Latin as well.
Shelfmark AM 240 IV fol.
Provenance Iceland
Summary Maríu saga
Type hagiography
Repository AMS
Link See entry on
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Related Latin Data


Chronology later
Interrelation none
Location outer
Same Hand As Norse no
Category prayer
Codicological Function none/reader's addition
Contents Ave Maria

AM 240 IV fol.

AM 240 IV fol.

1r ———————————————————————

1ave m
 aꝛia g
 ꝛacia p
4lana ꝺo
 minus te
 cu̅ Bene
7ꝺecta tu
 i̅ mulibuſ
10tuſ ꝼꝛuc
 tuſ vnt
 ꝛiſ tvi ih̅s
13ch̅s a

AM 240 IV fol.

AM 240 IV fol.

|| 1r || ave maꝛia gꝛacia plana ꝺominus tecum Beneꝺecta tu in mulieribuſ et Beneꝺectuſ ꝼꝛuctuſ vntꝛiſ tvi ihesus Christus a⟨men

AM 240 IV fol.

AM 240 IV fol.

Aue Maria gratia plena dominus tecum benedicta tu in mulieribus et benedictus fructus uentris tui Ihesus Christus amen