Manuscript Data AM 47 fol.
Comments |
#prayer #grace #ownership
Introduction |
Eirspennill contains several later marginalia in Latin. Besides some more common proverbs and prayers, the manuscript features a registration of ownership on f. 57r, and the routine of refectory grace on f. 3v. From these two, it seems that the manuscript, which originally was produced in Iceland, quickly came to Norway and into the possession of Trond Gardarson, who later became archbishop of Nidaros. After his death, it became part of library at the Benedictine convent of Gimsøy, as the archbishop's sister Gudrun was nun there but could not inherit due to her status. After the reformation, the feudal lord Iver Jenssen acquired himself of the manuscript and later passed it on to his son-in-law, Pros Lauridsen. Both registered their ownership on f. 1r. The refectory grace on f. 3v could either have been customary to the Nidaros cathedral chapter, which is the most likely application due to the wording and the language used. This would make the Latin marginalia of Eirspennill one of the most important witnesses to the daily rites performed at the archepiscopal see, into which we currently possess very little insight. Another, though by far less likely possibility would be to connect the refectory grace to Gimsøy convent. |
Shelfmark |
AM 47 fol. |
Provenance |
Summary |
Noregs konunga sögur; |
Type |
king's saga
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Related Latin Data
AM 344 fol.
AM 344 fol.
3v |
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guſtate et uiꝺete q̅ ſuauiſ e̅ ꝺn̅ſ ·b̅s uir qui ſperat in eo ·/gl᷎a pꝛ̅i et filio et ſp̅ui ſ̅co ·Sicut erat in pꝛincipio n̅c et ſe̅ꝑ i̅ ſcl᷎a ſcl᷎oꝝ am̅ ·kirrieleẏſo̅ ·xp̅eleẏſo̅ kirri eleẏſo̅ ·p̅r n̅r ·Et ne noſ i̅ꝺucaſ i̅ te̅ptac̅oem ·ſꝫ libera noſ a malo am̅ ·Oꝛem᷒ ·b̅nꝺic ꝺ̅ne o̅ia ꝺona tua que ꝺe tua largitate ſum᷒ ſu̅pturi per xp̅m ꝺ̅nm noſtru̅ ·Jube ꝺ̅ne beneꝺicere ·enſe celeſtis participeſ faciat noſ rex et͛ne gloꝛie ·X᷒ ·D̅s karitaſ eſt qui manet i̅ karitate i̅ ꝺeo manet ;ðſ i̅ eo ·Sit ðſ nobiſcu̅ noſ maneam᷒ c̅ ipſ̅o · poſita aone̅ꝺa b̅nꝺicat ði ꝺextera ·i̅ no̅ie p̅ꝛiſ filij ſp̅s ſct̅i .
18r |
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52r |
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O̅ia ꝺat ꝺ̅ns nobꝫ
57r |
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Jſte liber eſt thꝛnꝺonis g͛ꝺari Canͨͥ Niꝺꝛoſien̅i
84r |
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qͥ b̅n wlt fa???
166r |
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ꝺomin᷒ me᷒ 3ꝫ xp̅s
AM 344 fol.
AM 344 fol.
guſtate et uiꝺete quam ſuauiſ est ꝺominuſ ·beatus uir qui ſperat in eo ·/gloria patri et filio et ſpritui ſancto ·Sicut erat in pꝛincipio et nunc et ſemper et in ſecula ſeculorum amen ·kirrieleẏſon ·christeleẏſon kirri eleẏſon ·pater noster ·Et ne noſ inꝺucaſ in temptacionem ·ſed libera noſ a malo amen ·Oꝛemus ·beneꝺic ꝺomine omnia ꝺona tua que de tua largitate ſumus ſumpturi per christum ꝺominum noſtrum ·Jube ꝺomine beneꝺicere ·enſe celeſtis participeſ faciat noſ rex eterne gloꝛie ·Christus ·Deus karitaſ eſt et qui manet in karitate in ꝺeo manet et ꝺeuſ in eo ·Sit ꝺeuſ nobiſcum et noſ maneamus cum ipſo ·et poſita et aonenꝺa beneꝺicat ꝺei ꝺextera ·in nomine patꝛiſ et filij et ſpiritus ſancti .
Omnia ꝺat ꝺominus nobis
⟨Registration of ownership⟩
Jſte liber eſt thꝛnꝺonis gerꝺari Canonici Niꝺꝛoſiensi
qui bene wlt fa⟨ri⟩
ꝺominus meus est christus
AM 344 fol.
AM 344 fol.
gustate et videte quam suavis est dominus ·beatus vir qui sperat in eo ·/Gloria patri et filio et spiritui sancto ·Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper et in saecula saeculorum amen ·kyrie eleison ·christe eleison kyrie eleison ·Pater noster ·Et ne nos inducas in temptationem ·sed libera nos a malo amen ·Oremus ·benedic domine omnia dona tua quae de tua largitate sumus sumpturi per Christum dominum nostrum ·Iube domine benedicere ·Mense celestis participes faciat nos rex aeternae gloriae ·Christus ·Deus caritas est et qui manet in caritate in deo manet et deus in eo ·Sit deus nobiscum et nos maneamus cum ipso ·et posita et apponenda benedicat dei dextera ·in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti .
pater Omnia dat dominus nobis
⟨Registration of ownership⟩
Iste liber est Throndonis Gerdari Canonici Nidrosiensi
qui bene vult fari
Dominus meus est Christus