Manuscript Data AM 75 a fol.

Comments #prayer #avemaria #proverb #marginalia
Introduction Several marginal additions by later hands, realised in quite different scripts. Other than that, one proverb taken from Gesta Romanorum in a script also different from the main text, but executed with characteristics similar to the ones displayed in the main text. It is therefore possible that this Latin quotation was intended to go together with the main text, maybe as a gloss of some kind, although the exact interrelation is not evident.
Shelfmark AM 75 a fol.
Provenance Iceland
Summary Ólafs saga helga
Type king's saga
Repository AMS
Link See entry on
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Related Latin Data


Chronology later
Interrelation none
Location top
Same Hand As Norse no
Category prayer
Codicological Function none/reader's addition
Contents Ave Maria


Chronology later
Interrelation none
Location outer
Same Hand As Norse no
Category prayer
Codicological Function none/reader's addition
Contents Ave Maria


Chronology later
Interrelation none
Location top
Same Hand As Norse no
Category prayer
Codicological Function none/reader's addition
Contents Ave Maria


Chronology later
Interrelation none
Location top
Same Hand As Norse no
Category prayer
Codicological Function none/reader's addition
Contents Ave Maria


Chronology unknown
Interrelation none
Location outer
Same Hand As Norse possible
Category proverb
Codicological Function unclear
Contents nexus suam geminam,

AM 75 a fol.

AM 75 a fol.

9r ———————————————————————
ave mar

10v ———————————————————————
ave maria gra

10v ———————————————————————
ave maria gracia pe

15r ———————————————————————
aue maria

43r ———————————————————————
nex oue̅ gemina̅ ſpina̅ trax̅ eqͥna̅ .Leſuſ ſurg̅ eq penꝺit utͥn pec .ſpargenꝺo focum ſe cremat atq; locu̅ ·1

1Nexus ovem binam per spinam traxit equinam, Laesus surgit equus, pendet utrumque pecus, Ad molendinum pondus portabat equinum, Dispergendo focum, se cremat atque locum. (Gesta Romanorum)

AM 75 a fol.

AM 75 a fol.

|| 9r || ave mar⟨ia || 10v || ave maria gracia || 10v || ave maria gracia ple⟨na || 15r || aue maria
|| 43r || nexus ouem geminam per ſpinam traxit equinam .Leſuſ ſurgit equus penꝺit utrinque pecus .disſpargenꝺo focum ſe cremat atque locum ·1

1Nexus ovem binam per spinam traxit equinam, Laesus surgit equus, pendet utrumque pecus, Ad molendinum pondus portabat equinum, Dispergendo focum, se cremat atque locum. (Gesta Romanorum)

AM 75 a fol.

AM 75 a fol.

Aue Maria Aue Maria gratia Aue Maria gratia plena Aue Maria
Lexus ouem geminam per spinam traxit equinam .Laesus surgit equus pendit utrumque pecus .dispergendo focum se cremat atque locum .1

1Nexus ovem binam per spinam traxit equinam, Laesus surgit equus, pendet utrumque pecus, Ad molendinum pondus portabat equinum, Dispergendo focum, se cremat atque locum. (Gesta Romanorum)