Manuscript Data AM 334 fol.

Comments #marginalia #prayer #rubricprep
Introduction Four examples of Latin in all. The first is the preparation of an unexecuted rubric, made by the main scribe. The other three are found on the previously empty last page and represent prayers from medieval times, though probably added by a slightly later hand, i.e. a later owner. Among these is an excerpt from the prayer "O bone Ihesu", among others found in the Burnet psalter.
Shelfmark AM 334 fol.
Provenance Iceland
Summary Grágás, Járnsíða, Jónsbók
Type law
Repository SÁM
Link See entry on
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Related Latin Data


Chronology later
Interrelation none
Location space
Same Hand As Norse no
Category prayer
Codicological Function none/reader's addition
Contents Ihesus Mariae filius


Chronology unknown
Interrelation none
Location space
Same Hand As Norse no
Category prayer
Codicological Function none/reader's addition
Contents O bone Ihesu


Chronology same
Interrelation paratext
Location outer
Same Hand As Norse yes
Category date
Codicological Function caption
Contents festo processi et marciniani


Chronology unknown
Interrelation none
Location space
Same Hand As Norse no
Category prayer
Codicological Function none/reader's addition
Contents Ave Maria

AM 344 fol.

AM 344 fol.

30v ———————————————————————
feſto cei marciniani

108v ———————————————————————

1aue maria gꝛacia plena ꝺominus tecum

 jhſ mͣie fili ſit saluſ clemͤſ et pici am̅

 Fuꝺe in me gꝛaci̅ accione̅ sapienciam ca̅itate̅ caſtitate̅
4ut te poim fee ꝺilig͛e te lauꝺare te frui te amaꝛe te s͛uiͤ
  uite głam i̅ o̅niſ qui ꝺeligunt nom̅ tuu̅ ꝺullce q e̅ jh̅c uiͣ
  u͛itas fru marie uͥginiſ amen

AM 344 fol.

AM 344 fol.

|| 30v || ⟨in⟩ feſto procei et marciniani
|| 108v ||
aue maria gꝛacia plena ꝺominus tecum
jhesus marie filius ſit saluſ clemenſ et propicius amen
Prayer, from "O bone Ihesu"
Funnꝺe in me gꝛaciam accionem sapienciam caritatem et caſtitatem ut te poim perfee ꝺiligere te lauꝺare te perfrui te amaꝛe te seruire et uite gloriam in omniſ qui ꝺeligunt nomen tuum ꝺullce quod est ihesus uia et ueritas fruus marie uirginiſ amen

AM 344 fol.

AM 344 fol.

in festo Processi et Martiniani
Aue maria gratia plena dominus tecum
Ihesus Mariae filius sit salus clemens et propitius amen
Prayer, from "O bone Ihesu"
Funde in me gratiam actionem sapientiam caritatem et castitatem ut te possim perfecte diligere te laudare te perfrui te amare te seruire et uite gloriam in omnis qui diligunt nomen tuum dulce quod est Ihesus uia et ueritas fructus Mariae uirginis amen